Monday, May 09, 2005

Book Suggestions

Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 6:05 PM
Subject: [BLKBRD-L] Book and Material Suggestions - URGENT!!!

I just received word that a small sum of money has been allocated to purchase books, training materials, reference guides, etc. that are related to my job of providing support and training for faculty in the use of Blackboard. Oh, I forgot to mention that it has to be spent by Monday!

Does anyone have any great suggestions about books, materials, or guides that you use and would recommend to add to my arsenal? I'm open for any suggestions, but am specifically looking for a few web-based, instructional design guides and portal design guides. I'd also love to see some online teaching-related training guides especially those about current edtech topics instead of just technical how-to's for Blackboard.


The power of eLearning: The Essential Guide for Teaching in the Digital Age, Allyn & Bacon, Shirley Waterhouse (2005)

Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning: Theory, Practice and Assessment by Tisha Bender

Engaging the Online Learner : Activities and Resources for Creative Instruction (Online Teaching and Learning Series (OTL)) by Rita-Marie Conrad, J. Ana Donaldson

Creating Significant Learning Experiences : An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses by L Dee Fink

From a related thread on the POD mailing list:
Facilitating Online Learning: Effective Strategies for Moderators, Atwood Publishers, by George Collison, Bonnie Elbaum, Sarah Haavind, and Robert Tinker

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