Wednesday, June 15, 2005

See BB-OPEN_SRC@LISTS.VCU.EDU and for help with Building Blocks

From: blkbrd-l - "Listserv" [] On Behalf Of Santo
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [BLKBRD-L] Storing a value globally in a portal module

Thanks for the reminder, Dennis.

// Read a global variable called "gVariable" that's available to all
users within a module

CustomData customData = CustomData.getData(pageContext); String
globalVariable = customData.getValue("gVariable")

// Save "someValue" to the gVariable global variable that's available to
// that module (usually done in a process_edit.jsp of the module after
// it's been read and editted in edit.jsp)


I would suggest that you ask questions like this at
BB-OPEN_SRC@LISTS.VCU.EDU or visit as there is much
Blackboard Building Block development discussion there.

Hope this helps,
Santo Nucifora

Dennis Hood wrote:

> Dear Srinivas,
> Could you explain in detail what you want to do any the purpose?
> Thanks,
> Dennis
> Subject:
> Storing a value globally in a portal module
> From:
> Srinivas <eriki@GWU.EDU>
> Date:
> Mon, 10 Jan 2005 12:55:48 -0700
> Hello,
> In a portal module, how can I store a value globally so that all the
> users can access it from the module?
> Thank you.
> Srinivas
> Directions to BLKBRD-L archives and settings:
> --
> Dennis Hood
> Manager, Learning Management Systems
> Princeton University
> 114 Frist Campus Center
> Princeton, NJ 08544
> Tel: 609.258.0776
> ---------------------------------------
> This electronic communication, including any attached documents, may
> contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. The
> information is intended only for use by the recipient(s) named above.
> If you have received this communication in error, please notify the
> sender immediately and delete the communication and any attachments.
> Directions to BLKBRD-L archives and settings:

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Friday, June 10, 2005

[BLKBRD-L] make all courses unavailable

From: blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty
[] On Behalf Of Neal Caidin
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [BLKBRD-L] make all courses unavailable

>wondering if there is an easy way to mark all existing courses as
unavailable (we have about 900)

Yes. If you are on the enterprise version, the snapshot tool is the way
to go. There is an AVAILABLE_IND field that you can use to set to Y or
N. You might need to do an SQL query to get the list of courses that
you need, unless you have that stored somewhere else.

If it is really for **all** courses the sql would be

SELECT batch_uid FROM bb_bb60.course_main;

There is another related field "course_id" in the bb_bb60.course_main
table and usually that is equal to batch_uid, but batch_uid is the
official identifier for the snapshot EXTERNAL_COURSE_KEY field.

- Neal

Neal Caidin
Center for Instructional Technology
Voice: 919-660-5981 Fax: 919-660-5923
Box 90198, Duke University
Durham, NC 27708-0198

Directions to BLKBRD-L archives and settings:

[BLKBRD-L] make all courses unavailable

From: blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty
[] On Behalf Of Jomon Abraham
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [BLKBRD-L] make all courses unavailable


The course_main table contains both courses and organizations. In order
to make only the courses available, you need to set the service_level
flag='F'. ( to get organizations, use service_level='C')

So the final update query for courses will be

update course_main set Available_IND='N' where service_level='F'


Michael F Zimmerman <mzimmerman@MAIL.UNOMAHA.EDU> Sent by: blkbrd-l - A
list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty <>
06/10/2005 11:06 AM
Please respond to
blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty


Re: make all courses unavailable


update course_main set available_ind = 'N' where available_ind = 'Y'

Michael Zimmerman, System Administrator
University of Nebraska-Omaha, ITS Academic Information Systems
Phone: 402-554-4357

blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty
<> wrote on 06/10/2005 09:43:05 AM:

> I am running Blackboard Learning System release on widnows
> 2003 with MS SQL2000. I am still learning my way around the product
> and was wondering if there is an easy way to mark all existing courses

> as unavailable (we have about 900).
> Thanks
> Brian Grinstead
> Directions to BLKBRD-L archives and settings:

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Friday, June 03, 2005

[BLKBRD-L] SQL Query needed - all enrolled faculty and students

-----Original Message-----
From: blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty
[] On Behalf Of Grubbs, Owen
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [BLKBRD-L] SQL Query needed - all enrolled faculty and

Maybe something like this:

select u.firstname, u.lastname, from users u where exists
(select 'x' from course_users cu where cu.users_pk1 = u.pk1) order by
u.lastname, u.firstname

Owen Grubbs
Database Analyst
Information Technology and Resources
Lynchburg College
1501 Lakeside Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501-3199

-----Original Message-----
From: blkbrd-l - A list for Blackboard course administrators and faculty
[] On Behalf Of Michael Robinette
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: SQL Query needed - all enrolled faculty and students

I need to retrieve a list of all faculty and students currently enrolled
in at least one Blackboard course. I need email address as well as first
and last name (three fields, preferably).

We are Windows 2000, running SQL.

Would anyone care to share such a script with me?

Thanks in advance,

Mike Robinette
Blackboard Administrator
Indiana Wesleyan University

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

[BLKBRD-L] Quiz submission after expiry

From: blkbrd-l - "Listserv" [] On Behalf Of Eric
J. Kunnen
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [BLKBRD-L] Quiz submission after expiry

As far as I'm aware there is no way around this.

Some of our faculty have wanted this since moving to Blackboard in 1999.
The reason is that they had this feature (preventing the submission
after the time is up) with QuestionMark.

It is most problematic as you say in large classes as clicking each "!"
to process the test takes quite a lot of time on the faculty end.

Other course management systems such as Desire2Learn have this
functionality so hopefully it will only be a matter of time before Bb
builds this functionality in. D2L also tells you the START Time and
Stop Time of each student's assessment attempt.

Be sure to suggest this through the ticketing system.

>>> E.Yench@ECON.USYD.EDU.AU 06/01/05 2:21 AM >>>

When students take a timed quiz in Bb, they can still answer questions
and submit the quiz after the time limit has expired. This produces a
'!' rather than a mark in the student gradebook and requires manual
attention from the instructor. This is time consuming for large classes.
On a quick inspection of the allowed quiz settings there didn't seem to
be any way around this.
Does anyone know why Bb behaves this way, and if there is any way of
simply preventing the students from submitting after the expiry time AND
warning them that time's almost up?

Thanks! :)

Emma Yench
Learning Technologies Officer
Centre to Advance Learning in Economics and Business Faculty of
Economics and Business The University of Sydney

Phone: (+612) 9036 9401
Fax: (+612) 9351 6620
Room 396, Merewether H04, Butlin Av (off City Rd), Darlington, NSW

-----Original Message-----
From: blkbrd-l - "Listserv" [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 6:50 AM
Subject: Who will help the newbie?


Given the course ID, how do I locate all the content items, those listed
on the Course Documents page?

(I am writing a tool, and have noticed that, although it is passed the
course ID as a request parameter, a content ID or TOC ID is not

Thanks in advance for your kindness,

David "Uncle Dave" Moffat

Electronic Content Delivery
ITS - Teaching & Learning
UNC CB#3450, 405 Hanes Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


Portfolio and resume:

"Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that
there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof."
- John Kenneth Galbraith

"[Today, economics] is what it has always been.
It combines those who pursue the truth with those who pursue the rewards
of orthodoxy and those who pursue what is comfortable to the rich."
- John Kenneth Galbraith

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