Saturday, April 23, 2005

TA Privileges

Can a T.A. modify the properties of a "student" account to another "T.A." account? One T.A. swears that she could yesterday, but today she is prohibited. Nothing has changed in the interim...
Bb 6.2.3

Under "User Priviledges", in section 2 (User Priviledges for Course and Organization), check the settings for "Change User's Role in Course/Organization". That's where you set whether or not the different roles have priviledges to change other member's role in the course.

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----- Thread starting message:
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 10:02:52 -0500
From: Rob Gibson
Subject: TA Privileges

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Determining the size of individual courses


Back in the 5.x days an administrator used to be able to see the size of a course by looking in the course properties. That feature has disappeared with the move to 6.x. Has anyone found an easy way to determine the size of a course in 6.2 etc?


Sys Admin can view the size from Properties button. What about a list of all the courses?

ASP clients ask for this from our TSM. He sent it to us as a .csv file.

If you're on Linux/Solaris, all you have to do is go into the /blackboard/content/vi/bb_bb60/courses/1/ directory and run this.
du -sk * sort -nr

Here is a Windows script that I use that ain't pretty. I save it as foldersize.asp.
I put it in the docs folder and run it as
You will need to change the folder path to your configuration and set the size that you want.
Maybe someone can improve it for us. ;)

<title>Folder Size</title>
on error resume next

Server.ScriptTimeOut = 980

Dim fs, f, f1, s, sf, tf, a
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder("D:\blackboard\content\vi\bb_bb60\courses\1")
Set sf = f.SubFolders

For Each f1 In sf

If f1.Size > 19999999 Then
response.write UCase(f1.Name) & " uses " & f1.Size & "
End If


I did a couple of cosmetic tweeks, but stongly suggest cleaning up the objects in the last line.

Dim fs, f, f1, s, sf, tf, a
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f =
Set sf = f.SubFolders
response.Write("<table><TR><th>Course/Org</th><th> Stored files
For Each f1 In sf

If f1.Size > 4999999 Then

response.write "<td>"&UCase(f1.Name) & "</td><td>" &
f1.Size/1000000 & " Mbytes.</td></tr>"
End If
Set sf = nothing
Set f = nothing
set fs = nothing

----- THREAD:
From: blkbrd-l - "Listserv" [] On Behalf Of Bob Armstrong
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: [BLKBRD-L] Determining the size of individual courses

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